Performance Driven Development, with


Performance is a feature, and is valuable. Better performance means more conversions. Yet we seem to develop with performance as an afterthought instead of protecting and improving it. I recently discovered this when I found out registry_autoload saved us 60-80% each page load compared to xautoload on a project.

This is why we need Performance Driven Development (PDD.) With PDD we can lock down where the current performance stands, justify any decreases in performance, and provide in-code documentation on where performance could try to be improved.

What is is a software as a service (SaaS) performance management solution. With their service, you can quickly identify bottlenecks in your PHP applications stack and resolve them. Not only that, but it also supports continuous performance testing, allowing you to write performance tests and integrate with your continuous integration services.

Learning Objectives & Outcomes: 

  • Use to debug performance in a Drupal site
  • How to use with continious integration

Session Track

Performance and Scaling

Experience Level


Drupal Version