The Role of a Drupal Salesperson


In Drupal sales, there is a sweet spot between introverted and extraverted. A stellar Drupal salesperson will level out somewhere between ‘smile and dial’ and ‘nervously shy’ in order to grow a lead from potential client into potential partner. The differential here is longevity. A client will stick around for the length of a project, but a partner will guarantee future profits through return business and lead generation.


Not everyone needs Drupal, but the ones who do, really need it. And so, a Drupal salesperson cannot assume the traditional sales push against every lead. The tactic for this type of business development is more of a consultant. The salesperson becomes a hand holder who quietly identifies pain points then walks with their lead toward a solution based in Drupal.


This session will discuss how to develop the sales role to become more consultative and find the right balance when working with a potential partner. 


Attendees will walk away having learned the following:

How to fine tune the sales process

When to walk away from opportunities

The difference between building Drupal relationships with partners vs. other types of b2b sales


This session is relevant to anyone in a sales/business development role in a Drupal agency 

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version