Self Empowered teams - Let go of the illusion of full control.

Do you want a high performing and innovative team?
Do you want everyone in your team to take responsibility for your project?
Have you finally realized that the sum of you team is more skilled than yourself?

Then you need to let go!

Do you ever think why Google, Spotify and Facebook are doing so well? They have motivated innovative employees. And they have them because they make sure to have the right management framework to do this within.

There are many ways to let go. All systems behaviors can be put into the boxes: order, chaotic or chaos. The same goes for the internal processes in an organisation. You might think that you would like to keep your organisation in the order paradigm. But what if I remind you that innovation is maximised at the edge of chaos?

I will talk about why you want to give the freedom for your teams to come up with the right solutions. And how to do it without ending up in a chaos without a common goal or direction. Here we will come through the basic theory about why this is necessary if you want to have high performing teams - and we will also take a look at how you as a manager can implement this philosophy without just letting go of everything from day one.

Come join the new an innovative world!

This session aim to help Managers who need some input to control thoes all knowing senior developers who always just tells you it can only be done their way.... or maybe just the developer who need some material to explain to the managers why they need to let the developers do it their way :) 

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