SOS - We need a Scrum process! Going from specification to collaboration


Building awesome websites with an awesome team for awesome customers is an awesome thing. But shooting for the exact right solution from the beginning of a project is a challenge.

In 2015 the Amazee Labs team saw an opportunity to improve our development process to better match internal and external needs. We adopted a Scrum-based agile workflow which allowed us to work on multiple client projects at the same time without burning out our developers and still producing timely, quality code.

Since implementing Scrum, we eliminated the bottleneck of a single technical lead, specifying everything at the beginning of a project, brought clients and developers together, and improved the accuracy of work estimations by including the team in the estimation process.

In this session, we'd like to share our experience of adopting Scrum as an Agile development framework.

Join Inky & dasjo to find out how we:

  • Organize multiple teams, clients, and projects, without losing focus and maintaining communication

  • Handle shifting workloads (and vacations!) in an agency environment without impacting delivery

  • Size work in Epics, Stories, Tasks (project managers, this is for you!)

  • Work with the PO to refine and groom the backlog

  • Estimate work using Scrum poker (and why this makes clients happy)

  • Run effective retrospectives with a distributed team

If you're all for the perfect off-the-shelf solution, this session might not be best for you. If you are interested in learning about real-world experiences, finding out what worked well for us and what didn’t, come join me.

This session builds up a previously given talk by dasjo at Drupal Dev Days Milan but adds the additional perspective Inky provides from the Amazee Labs Cape Town office.

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version