Using third party services for authorisation and data


As the eco system in which drupal exists continuesly expands, it becomes more and more relevant to use external services as data sources or for validating user interaction. More and more companies rely on micro services or internal systems as part of their business and with drupal we are very capable of using these systems in support of our clients needs. A good example of such usage is a self-service portal which typically relies on data from other sources within the company to validate the user and as the basis for data visualization and user actions.

I will focus on how we can use an external source to validate a user during login. The approach will depend on the clients requirements of the login process, be it additional validation or entirely depending on external validation. To illustrate how such validation could be handled I will use code examples based on our work with implementing Tele Greenlands self-service portal. I will also touch upon how we can use external data as the source for fields and blocks.

I will present a few contribution modules which can be used to handle such dependencies as well as the options which are included in core.

This session will contain code and implementations which require attendees to be familiar with Drupal 8 development.


Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version