Session Spotlight Let's talk Drupal in your Language
DrupalCon has been offered in more than 20 cities around the world since it started in 2005 as a place to talk about Drupal. Between a decade of Cons and countries, the global reach of Drupal has really taken shape. With 112 translation groups on, it becomes very apparent that translating Drupal is a huge community effort - almost 6,000 strong.
With many feature improvements for foreign language and multi-lingual sites, SebCorbin and Gábor Hojtsy will discuss how the site supports Drupal 8 as well as how it can continue to improve for the future in their session 'Bring Drupal 8 to all in their native languages'.
If you’ve ever translated something for Drupal, you’re interested in starting or you want to see how Drupal 8 automated that, make sure to attend and share your enthusiasm. Getting Drupal core correct in your own language is the first step to bring Drupal localization to the next level!
Come participate in this discussion on Tuesday from 11:00-12:00 in Room 124-125.