Session Spotlight: Score big with this front end talk
It is fitting that in football-crazed Barcelona, although we will have a plethora of tech talks, that we have at least one talk that highlights the sport! Whether you’re a fan of FC Barcelona or any football team for that matter, it is pretty impressive what a team can accomplish together. And although we aren’t goalies and midfielders, Adam Onishi's (onishiweb) talk will highlight how front-enders and Drupalers can go for the gold together.
It goes without saying that in such a fast-paced industry, teamwork is essential to any group, project or business. Taking a look from a development team’s point of view, this Front end track will highlight various examples of how teamwork makes the dream work! From coding style guides to team training techniques, he will put a front end twist on how to create a Drupal squad.
You can score by seeing this session on Wednesday, September 23 from 15:45-16:45 in room 117.