Avoiding and surviving of contribution burnout
Working in an open source community is complicated because of do-ocracy. People can get too attached to the do-ocratic system and volunteer too much. The community also puts the top contributors under a heavy pressure. Most of the people working for an open source project are doing it as their hobby which sets them into a complicated situation; how to balance life between work, family, and hobbies.
Sadly, many of us has found our selves from a situation where we've already overworked and headed towards a burnout. Extricating yourself from too much work however is like climbing out of a hole, for a time it takes more effort in order to attain freedom. Once you realize you are overworked you must survive it for some time, while creating a path to reducing the workload. We will be sharing practical tips how to survive if you've already found yourself heading towards a burnout:
Organizing your workload (separate the important from the urgent)
Work and sleep schedules
How to sleep, fall asleep faster and relax
Self Motivation
How to say No, and delegate (the hardest thing you will ever do)
The topics we might want to have in the conversations in a nut shell are:
How could we avoid people burning out?
How could we help people who have felt burning out?
How could we lower 'truck factor' and move responsibility to less active people?
How could we communicate more transparently of the resources we have in the community to not cause frustration for people?
What have you done if you've felt burnedout? What worked for you and what didn't?