Building A Tasty Backend


Drupal isn't a CMS, it's a framework and toolkit for building a CMS. Drupal doesn't know how you're going to structure your data, so how can Drupal provide a great experience for the day to day administrators? You need to tell Drupal to do it! It really is that easy. Let's make that admin backend tasty. Seriously tasty.

This session will focus on providing content managers and admins with a simplified, easy to use, no nonsense, awesome, delicious, and overall useful experience. It's born of the frustration I had when originally developing with Drupal years ago and thinking "Whoa, this is powerful!" Then, "Oh crap, I need to hide most of this so my tech-phobic clients can just do what they need to do. And NOT ruin the site."

Through the use of some contributed modules, some menu tweaks, and some rethinking of the defaults, combined with a small rethinking of Drupal's forms, we'll delve into making Drupal easy for your clients, so you can just focus on the fun stuff, shorten your training time, and stop fielding support requests.

We'll also go over how to use the Tasty Backend install profile to kickstart your very own custom backends.

Both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 will be covered, comparing the solutions available, how things are different in Drupal 8, and the state of customised administration moving forward.

A customised Drupal backend is a happy backend, and who doesn't want a happy backend?

Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version