Cooking up Drupal CI with Bash scripts, Drush, PHPSniffer, GIT and Bamboo


The session basically is on how to accomplish Drupal CI by only using the simplest tools we have and most drupal developers are familiar with. We will see how to accomplish Drupal CI with some simple bash scripts including some good old Drush commands. We will also be using some traditional modules like features, SimpleTest (for unit tests) and coder with PHP Sniffer (for validations  of custom code) and GIT for version control. But the question is, Is this enough? well the answer is No, Why because we also need a method of continuous delivery. Therefore the session will also elaborate on how to use Bamboo for continuous delivery with the above set of tools to build your own CI framework.

If you are using Agile in your company then obviously your CEO would come to you (the Drupal expert) and ask you. Hey can we build a CI framework for Drupal so that we can deploy our Drupal projects seamlessly without any hassle. So Here is an opportunity to say YES we can and learn how to do it. The session will go into basics on how to simply solve the problems in Drupal CI with no fancy tools but with tools we already know. So how does this happen

  1. We will use simple bash scripts with Drush to do all the hard work for us like installing Drupal and enabling all the module
  2. We will use features module to migrate and deploy all the configurations
  3. Coder to run code validations against the custom modules with PHP Sniffer
  4. SimleTest module to run all the developer unit tests
  5. Then finally, the only trick is to trigger them automatically. Therefore we use Bamboo for this purpose.

So this will be a session on how to simply do Drupal CI using tools you already know and also get to know Bamboo in case you haven't heard of it which BTW is a great tool for Continuous Delivery/ Deployment.

I would not say that this session is total cutting edge but it does the job and this would be a starting point for all drupal developer out there to take the next step and improve things. So going back to the basics is not all that bad and also, it gets you to focus on the fundamentals which then evloves you to build much greater solutions.

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