Drupal 8 Theming Deep Dive


We are going to dive into the theme layer of Drupal 8. The main goal of this session is to understand how to leverage the theme layer from PHP to TWIG. The presentation is for themers/developers wanting to get a general overview of the Drupal 8 theme system.

You will learn the main differences with Drupal 7 and how to build a theme from scratch. Some of the key points are:

- YAML files

- CSS and JS assets management

- Preprocess functions

- HOOK_theme_suggestions_HOOK()

- TWIG templating

- Adding classes

- Admin form and config management

- Config files

- Declaring regions

- CSS architecture

- Asset agregation / compression

- TWIG Debug

- Entity caching

- Translation in template files

- Javascript libraries

This session is for both newbies and Drupal 7 themers/developers. Many code examples will illustrate the talk. 

The session was allready run during the Drupal Dev Days in Montpellier. I attached the slides below. Off course they will change with the evolution of Drupal 8 until next september.

Session Track

Front end

Experience Level


Drupal Version