Efficient and organised Drupal development

Look at you:
  • Does your Drupal development process look chaotic and unpredictable?
  • Is the development starting phase in your project takes 2 days and you do not know how to speed it up?
  • Having multiple instances of your website (dev/stage/live) slow you down?
  • Deployment is painful and different all the times?
  • Your own custom Drupal starting kit is duplicated at each project start and not updated anymore if it evolves? 
Look what you can have:
  • Drush aliases generator based on /sites directory using standard schema 
  • Customisable and manageable environment settings (environment indicators, standard caching settings, etc)
  • Inheritable installation profiles - to speed up the website development starting process and to only include needed code
  • Universal deploy scripts for all your projects
  • Automatic Drupal core and modules updater (yes, really)
  • Self-check procedures for best practices
  • Docman integration
  • And more!
But how?

Visit the presentation! Having more then 6 years of experience in Drupal web development agency and learned all these things hard way we will share and provide guidance for everyone out there.  

Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version