Fast and Furious with HHVM


The new way to boost a Drupal site performance using the popular open-source virtual machine called HHVM.

HHVM is designed to execute programs written in Hack and PHP. It uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development flexibility that PHP provides.

The session will cover the essentials on how HHVM works along with following topics:
- how to set up the web servers
- what should be configured in Drupal
- monitoring tools
- HHVM + PHP-FPM for fail-over

Two production examples will be shown and performance improvement will be demonstrated:
- Huge products database with content types of over 200 fields and several multi-sites running on the same code base and database.
- Drupal platform for tourism that serves a 170 websites inside one database and one code base.


Session Track


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