Efficient theming in Drupal with gulp.js


I want to present how to use one of the best task runners in Drupal for faster and more effective theming. Time is expensive, so let's automate the process.

Automated Front-End development saves time and prevents errors. Combining gulp.js with some other tools in our Drupal theme can help us for:

  • Writing better and efficient code without errors
  • Minifying files
  • Automatically adding of vendor prefixes to CSS rules
  • Generating image sprites and converting SVG icons being used into a suite of icon fonts
  • Reloading the site in all browsers and devices after saving our files, where it's open, to see immediately how it looks after our changes without refresh
  • and more ...

I will explain everything step by step, to be useful in your projects, without hours of research and experiments. I will make live demonstrations to show the real magic of the Front-End automation.

Session Track

Front end

Experience Level


Drupal Version