How to Boost Your SEO by Using Schema Markup


One of the latest evolutions in SEO is called schema markup. This new form of optimization is one of the most powerful, but least-utilized forms of SEO available today. Schema (see: tells search engines what your data means, not just what it says.

Once you grasp the concept and method of schema markup, you can boost your website in the search engine result pages. This presentation explains the basics of schema markup, how you can use it without changing the HTML (using Google Webmaster Tools) and how you can integrate it in your Drupal website. The session will explain how to integrate both in Drupal 7 and Drupal 8.

An example of microdata in Google search results

The session is mainly aimed at front-end developers, but it should be rather interesting to site builders and back-end developers too.

Session Track

Content Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version