Love the content editors


The content editors are the great forgotten during many Drupal development projects. "Let them use Seven", we say; and move on, leaving them with the most limited user experience to build up the site content.

And this is wrong. Very wrong. The success of a project implementation in the long run will be dependant on content creation and site management experiences. If the front end is slick but the back end is awful the client/organization will eventually change it. And they will not call us to do it, which is even worse, but logical (after leaving them with a deficient backend interface). The good news is that it is possible to improve the editorial experience greatly at a very low cost, using Drupal wisely and leveraging some contributed modules and themes. Let me guide you from "booh" to "ooh" on the content editing interfaces, with practical examples.

Drupal 7 and 8 site editing configuration and customization will be demonstrated, with mentions to Backdrop.

Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version