Magic button. Can production releases be smooth and your clients happy?
This session was inspired by a DrupalCon LA 2015 session performed by our collegues Yuriy Gerasimov and Andriy Podanenko from FFW.
We're not going to throw more technical aspects on you about CIBOX, no worries. But we're going to show you that this workflow we use in FFW matters for PMs and clients too no matter how big or small the project is. Size actually doesn't matter. Every client and PM face similar issues before, during and after deployments.
You do not usually explain to your client how dev workflow is setup on your end. But when it comes to a situation when you have a bunch of post deployment bugs that never happened on staging site you usually blame it on some misterious reasons.
Moreover, you, as a project manager, are usually a person who can't take control over deployments and releases, are you? You depend on the dev team - if you need to push anything to prod "Better call Saul" :)
We will reveal major secrets on how project team can improve internal workflow using CIBOX to make it less stressfull for everyone involved and flexible to PM's and client's needs. The key features we are going to cover:
1. Growing of the development team. How your workflow grows with your team.
2. QA process - it can be efficient.
3. Simple as ABC production releases.
4. Done deal: few and far between post-release bugs.
You should attend if you are a Project or Product Manager, tech lead or a site owner.
Attention - you will likely want the same for your project(s)!