Managing Drupal deployments with Openshift


An application with as many moving parts as Drupal requires a sophisticated workflow with a simple, (mostly) automated means of deploying to a QA or staging server. Setting up and maintaining this infrastructure can be prohibitively time-consuming or expensive for small teams and small projects.

Redhat’s ‘platform-as-a-service’ offering, Openshift, provides an on-demand, flexible, scalable, rapid-deployment—and fully open-source—platform for the development and deployment of websites and apps. This session will demonstrate how to use Openshift to quickly develop and maintain a robust and practical version of this workflow.

Attendees will learn:

  • What Openshift is.
  • How an Openshift project is organized and what its standard workflow looks like.
  • How Openshift can be customized to work with Drupal 7.
  • How Openshift can be used in a Features-based dev -> stage -> production workflow.
  • How to integrate common industry tools such as Jenkins and Travis with Openshift.
  • What kinds of limitations Openshift has for use with applications such as Drupal and how to overcome them.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version