From Modeled Content to Automated Site Build


A technical architecture document is a great way to model content for a Drupal project. However, why stop at using this document merely for planning? At Aten, we've turned the technical architecture document into a declarative interface- using a GoogleSheet to automatically generate a custom module which defines content types, fields and other Drupal entities in code.

By automating much of the site building process with a technical architecture document we are able to:

  • cut down on tedious work for the developer
  • share content creation forms early with the client
  • iterate quickly as content models shift
  • provide version control for changes to content structure
  • trains the client early on
  • reduces human error

All of the methods and tools we use to achieve this automation is free and open for others to use and contribute to. Participants will walk away with a thorough understanding of the technical architecture document we use, the Sheets2Module tool which generates the custom module, and the Drupal module CINC which defines configuration in code using an object oriented approach. We will also explore the implications this approach has for content strategy and information architecture practices. Finally, participants will be equipped with next steps on how to start using this approach in their own work as well as opportunities to contribute to the tools used in this process.

Session Track

Content Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version