Radical Transparency


It's 2015 and you still haven't been replaced by a tiny shell script. In fact you're overworked, stressed out and you're also the only person who really understands the duct tape that's holding the build server together. (And your anxiety level is increasing just reading this description.) Time to carve out some time for yourself by exposing what you really do via reliable documentation. Yes, the "d" word. You hate writing it, and now you're suffering for not having committed time to it.

In this session we'll cover the following:

  • Five must-have types of technical documentation.
  • Places to store documentation, and the pros (and cons) of each location.
  • Using documentation for radical transparency, allowing you to time box tasks and ensuring forward thinking planning.
  • Funny anecdotes about passive-aggressive wiki page editing.

If you'd like to take a vacation in the next year, but you're afraid every thing will fall apart while you're gone, this session is a must-attend.

Session Track


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