Riding business from the cockpit: What we measure to keep flying and why Time Tracking is such a vital part of the engine.



As a management and business owner you ideally would like to have a fast overview of the performance of your business. The Amazee Group has 4 companies in 3 different regions of the globe, so we need a system that gives us a fast but good overview of what is happening.


These snapshot measurements vary from realtime tech monitors, to monthly revenue tracking, and customer satisfaction. In this session we are going to tell you how we have utilized tracking of these measurements, and how to best analyze them.

The Amazee Group has found one of the most important measurements to be time tracking, we use it not only for billing but for so much more. Time tracking is a hard commitment, one which we still struggle with every day, but we have learned to work with it and the outcomes far outweigh these struggles. We want to share the experiences and lessons we have gathered.


We will cover:

  • Which metrics we use to monitor across teams and projects

  • How we analyze them

  • Why time tracking is so important for us

  • Tips and Tricks on becoming a good time tracker

This session is for you if you are business owner, office manager, operations manager or CxO and you would like to have a better insight into your own business metrics.


Session Track

Business and Strategy

Experience Level


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