Using Drupal as framework
Case Study on how we helped India's leading local search engine in
- 1000% page views increment since Jan. Close to a Million pageviews in a 2 months
- Greater than 300 users during peak times,
- Engagement has increased 5x times
while using Drupal as a framework rather than just as a CMS.
Key features while developing communities for India's leading local search engine.
- Using Drupal as framework to develop 5 communities in 6 months.
- Use of Aegir to deploy communities
- Developing framework first and then communities
- Migration from Joomla to Drupal
- Flexibility of content entering
- Managing each community separately
- 20 different API integrations for deals, events, colleges, products
- Single sign on
- Social media integration
- Gamification and points system across communities.
- Easy roll out of functionality via "Features"