Is your team ready for your next big Drupal project?

Prasad Shir

You are bidding for your biggest Drupal project ever. You are confident that you will win the project. But there's this nagging question in your mind, "Is my team really ready to deliver the project of such size and complexity?". And you won't have the answer until your team really delivers it, or perhaps, fails to do so effectively and profitably. 

If you are wondering whether there is a way of really assessing your team's Drupal skills objectively and increasing your and your client's confidence in your team's delivery capabilities, this session is for you! 

In this session, we will explore the tools, techniques and methods which can be used for objectively assessing your team's Drupal knowledge and skills. We will discuss how such assessments can be used for charting a team-wide skills matrix and for identifying skill and knowledge gaps. We will also discuss ways to implement effective learning strategies to fill these gaps. 

In my 8+ years as a Drupaler, including 2 years of providing high-end Drupal training in multiple countries, I have seen many successful (and a few not so successful) Drupal teams. Successful teams often have (intentional or unintentional) assessments and learning strategy in place. My intent with this session is to share my experience about learning strategies implemented by successful Drupal teams with you. 

With this knowledge, you will be able to implement an effective Drupal learning strategy in your organization so that, you can spend more time bidding for your next big Drupal project than worrying about your team's capabilities to deliver the same!

Session Track

Business and Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version