Drupal and the College Classroom


We are not fully taking advantage of an important opportunity... the "education" piece of the puzzle in the Drupal (and larger open source) community to resource seasoned professionals to mentor young developers.

Based loosely on Dries' idea of "the assembled Web", I thought I’d demo how I use Drupal in the Penn State University classroom, what I teach and how I teach, all in order to get young developers entering the workforce into the (Drupal, open source, web development) community. I think its a sub-culture of the community that could use some work.

Who the talk is for:

  1. Professional Developers - I thought doing a talk like this for developers in the community would, in turn, give pros a chance to weight in and make suggestions on what would be best to be teaching young devs.
  2. Students - They can see and understand what is being offered on open source web techs, especially Drupal, in the college classroom.
  3. Educators in IT/STEM - Understand the gap that exists for young professionals in U.S. being behind the curve in these skills compared to other countries.
  4. Anyone - This is a general type of talk to for anyone in and around Drupal and/or open source web and IT.

My bio: http://greg.openwebby.com
A portfolio of featured projects: http://sites.psu.edu/gto1


NOTE ON SLIDES: These are a work in progress, not yet 100% complete.



Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version