Mentored contribution

Learn while helping improve Drupal core! Plenty of mentors will be available to help you get started. This is one of our many sprints. If you are brand new to contribution, attend our First-time Contributor Workshop early in the week to set up tools like IRC, Git, and a Drupal 8 development environment, and then join this Mentored Contribution.

Mentored contributions have been held at DrupalCon since Sydney 2013, and at many local and regional Drupal events.

Why come

This is your chance to get started with in-person training and mentoring from friendly, experienced core contributors. If you've already started to work on core, come meet other contributors, hang out in person, and work on manageable tasks in the queue. The goal is to help you help with core.

Who it's for

This is for first-time contributors and anyone with Drupal site building experience to learn how to contribute to Drupal core. Our mentors are on hand to help match tasks suitable for programmers and non-programmers alike.

We particularly welcome participants from all experience levels, backgrounds, genders, races, sexual identities, religions, ages, abilities and other marginalized groups in our community to participate; all create the best Drupal experience. 

NOTE: If you weren't registered for the full conference but plan to contribute on this day, we'd like to count you in and have your name badge ready—please RSVP in advance

What to expect

We'll kick off with a brief introduction, and then we'll help match people with issues that are right for their skill levels and areas of interest. Free training is also provided to help new contributors set up a development environment and learn about the contribution process.

What to bring

  1. An interest in Drupal contribution
  2. A laptop with a Drupal 8 development environment

When & Where

Friday, 22 May, 2020 - 09:00 to 17:00
L100 G/H/I