Meet the Local Community

Over 350 years ago, settlers started coming to Baltimore and it didn’t take long for it to become known as a center of industry. Innovation and hard work have been hallmarks of our town and our national history is part of our everyday lives - in fact, there are so many firsts that came from Baltimore that there’s even a long list. It shouldn’t surprise anyone to find out we are still innovative and resourceful, and so is our local Drupal community. We meet monthly, we collaborate on local projects and host a yearly camp. We have a Zero to Drupal training and mentoring program, and we go out of our way to welcome anyone who’s interested in Drupal. We promote Drupal as though it’s one of our own firsts.

You have a great opportunity to learn more about Baltimore and our Drupal community while you are here. We are looking forward to seeing you all - and as we say: Welcome to Bawlmer, hon!

Meet us!

Photo by Entjik Jeffrie @EntjikJeffrieon


Liz Lipinski
Baltimore Drupal Organizer