Communication Techniques for Developers

Developers are often the most knowledgeable people in the room. However, communication barriers can make it difficult to effectively navigate conversations to the best outcomes.

In this session we will look at five tools to improve one's communication skills:

  • Back of a Napkin: a book about the value of simple and concise diagrams.
  • Crucial Conversations: a book with self reflective questions to understand others' perspectives.
  • Self Deception: a book on to see beyond our own biases to be more effective in collaboration.
  • Emotional Intelligence: a book and mental model for understanding emotions to guide thought and behavior and why that often matters more than IQ.
  • Dialectic: a method of discussing opposing views that focuses on what is true, contrasted with debate which focuses on who has the best argument.

Whether talking to a client, a manager, or a peer developer, being able to express your understanding while acknowledging opposing viewpoints and keeping your own emotions in check are important to being an effective communicator. For each of these tools we'll look at how to use them with example scenarios from my own experience.

The key takeaway from this session is having tools to help you as a developer be a more effective communicator. Whether you're just starting as a developer or have many years under your belt, if you are looking for new ideas to help you succeed then this session is for you.


Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version