Creating Accessible Rich Sites with ARIA


We want to be inclusive in the sites we design and develop, but are they accessible for everyone? Can any person in your target audience be able to grab the information they need from your site with ease?

In this talk we will go into a brief introduction/refresher about Accessibility and the Diversity of Abilities which include:

  • Auditory/Hearing
  • Cognitive/Neurological
  • Physical/Motor
  • Speech
  • Blindness/Low Vision

The focus of this session will be actively looking at how aria roles, labels, checked, etc. can help make your JavaScript rich applications become more accessible by adding more semantic value for assistive technology. This session will delve more deeply into what all these new attributes mean, how to utilize them, and examples of applications that are difficult for assistive technologies without them. 

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version