Creating Layouts and Landing Pages for Drupal 8
As a Drupal themer or site builder, layouts are one of the first considerations when implementing the design of a Drupal site. In this session, we'll talk about different techniques for creating layouts in Drupal 8. From how to configure landing page content using Paragraphs or Panels to implementing a grid system with your theme, you'll walk away with some new tips and tricks under your belt.
Specifically, we'll cover:
- Configuring Drupal components to use in your layouts
- How Drupal 8 blocks change our approach to building layouts
- Creating a design framework for your layouts
- Designing successful landing pages layouts
- Theming your layouts: sing grid systems or CSS from scratch
This session is aimed at site builders and themers who are familiar with Drupal site building and are looking for new techniques for creating layouts and landing pages.
Session Track
Front End
Experience Level
Drupal Version
When & Where
Thursday, 27 April, 2017 - 10:45 to 11:45
309 - FFW