Decoupled Ember: Tips and Techniques to Speed Development


A decoupled Drupal architecture holds great promise for creating a unique, fully-customized user experience. With Ember Data and the JSON API module, a decoupled application can be built that integrates well with Drupal 8’s entity system.

Unfortunately, this approach comes with a big down-side: many things that come out-of-the-box with Drupal need to be reimplemented in your decoupled application, such as user login functionality and forms. On top of this, there are many small gotchas in the integration of Drupal and Ember Data that can slow down development and eat up hours of a developer’s time.

This session explores workarounds and lessons learned while developing a decoupled Ember application for performing CRUD operations on Drupal entities. Code examples and suggested best practices will be presented relating to:

  • Ember Data integration with Drupal via JSON API

  • Authentication and authorization

  • Drupal-compatible form components

Come to this session and accelerate the development of your decoupled Ember applications!

Attendees should have general Drupal site-building experience and familiarity with Ember to get the most out of this session.

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version