Delivering Drupal with habitat.


Drupal is no longer just a simple task of pushing code to a web server.  Modern best practices demand evolving our deployment strategies to comply with dependencies like web server configurations, binary extensions, storage services, infrastructure policies, platforms and so on. With advances in concepts like containerization, the entire platform contains bits and pieces of what constitutes a Web application, bringing another level of complexities to the Drupal developer.

Habitat is a cool new way to ship your applications to any platform (including containers), as well as all your required automations allowing you to get a clean separation between the application from the infrastructure. We'll demonstrate use cases and examples that you can use to improve your control over deliverables, process automation, service health monitoring, dependency audits, application orchestration, secrets management, etc. With habitat you can ship your application making sure all dependencies are supplied.

This session will introduce the attendees to habitat as a tool to ship Drupal applications, its advantages with examples and use cases.

Session Track


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Drupal Version