Demystifying Rendered Content in Drupal 8 Twig Files
As promised, here's a **link to view my slides**. I also want to extend a big thank you to everyone who came to my talk, who asked questions, and who shared thier insights with us - it was a real treat having you all there!
New to Twig? It's a robust and elegant template engine for PHP. Once I started working with Twig, I instantly fell in love with it and here's why: it's lightweight, fairly quick to pick up, and very readable. Not only that, but I feel like I have ultimate control over the markup, including wrapping elements and rendering exactly the output I need. Theming Drupal has never been more dreamy!
If you are new to front-end development in Drupal or a veteran, AND you are ready to take your project’s markup powerfully into your own hands then this talk is for you.
During this session, I will take you through a brief intro into twig, the debugging process of sorting through twig variables using xdebug in PHPStorm, mention other helpful debugging tools at our disposal, and share common patterns I found helpful for rendering content in twig files.
If time allows, I also hope to demonstrate how to use Display Suite, taking your Twig files to exciting new heights.