Docker-Behat - A collaboration automation testing tool changing our culture


Hi everyone,

All the time someone brought a success case of "Automation Testing" I was interested and happy, but the same time I got surrounded by deep thoughts wondering "When I will live the reality they are talking about???". 

Through the years it was really bothering me not having an effective automation tool/process in the projects I work with, also seeing my colleagues struggling with routine tests and "wasting" their time doing the same task that could probably be done using automation.

In a bi-weekly meeting with all the architects from our project the subject "Automated Tests" came up and my thoughs were: "Why not? Maybe it is time, isn't it?" And the epic phrase "If you want the change, be the change!" put a period in my thoughts and I raised the hand asking to work on that.

People were amazed with the quickly results we got and how far we went developing the tool in such a small period of time.

In this presentation I intend to tell you a little bit about the collaboration tool we are developing in our company that is changing the way we deliver our products. I also want to share with you the roadmap and the strategy we are using to re-invent the way our team work and changing the culture (the highest challenge in my personal opinion).

In advance, some goals we are accomplishing:

- Encourage our QA team to participate and give their ideas before the development starts, and not only seeing them work during the test phase itself.

- Raise the productivity, efficacy and accuracy of our QA analysis using reliable reports/artifacts.

- Create a feeling on our QA team that they will not lose their jobs, but they will use automation as a weapon to improve their results and therefore the contract results as well;

- Change the culture of our contract. Automation is not a seven-headed monster anymore or a waste of time, it will bring great results if used in the correct way;

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