Dockerizing Drupal


Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Interested in learning how to get a local "Dockerized" Drupal project up-and-running in as little as 2-5 minutes? Come join me as I help demystify Docker, using a small web-based app I've created called "Drupal Docker".

Drupal Docker creates a complete "Dockerized" Drupal environment running NGINX, PHP (5.x or 7.x), MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and the latest copy of Drupal (7.x or 8.x).

What is Docker?

Docker is a software containerization platform, and hit the scene only 3 years ago. Since that time, Docker has taken virtualization to new levels.

Docker allows for independent "containers" to run within a single Linux instance, avoiding the overhead of starting and maintaining virtual machines. Containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem which contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a server. This guarantees that software will always run the same, regardless of its environment.

In the end, you will gain a better understanding of how Docker works, and how simple it is to drastically reduce time spent setting up local development environments.


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