Doin' the DOI in Drupal - Lessons from a collaborative module development project


In order to facilitate reproducibility of scientific research, modern data citation practices encourage citing the data, software, instruments, platforms, workflows and other components leading to published reseach. But what if these components reside on your website? The gold standard is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Beginning in Sept 2015, a group of Science on Drupal members and enthusiasts began developing a D7 module to interface with a DOI registration service and display a citation on a webpage. 15 months later, this module is publically available on GitHub. This talk will explore the benefits and pitfalls of a community development, share insights and lessons learned, and hopefully engender enough enthusiasm in one or more individuals that they will rise up and take leadership of this project and usher it to the future, hopefully all the way to Drupal core! (Due to changing job requirements, the current project lead is not able to continue leading the development.)

Relevant links:

Module development notes on Science on Drupal:
Code on GitHub:


Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version