Export Drupal Website's Content using Batch API


Deatailed overview of session:

As we know exporting large chunk of data from any website is very painful, when you don't have ssh access to Production or staging server. You can't even set the cron or run the drush. So here Batch API comes into picture.

Want to export all content types and all terms without acessing server ?

Yes you can do with Batch API. Just need couple of lines code and your whole website's content will be in your local machine in the form of CSV files.

Session will contain:

1. Creating a configuration form to select node or Taxonomy and export button form submit.

2. Creating a controller to show your path and accesssing permission to Router.

3. Using batch api to perform some action and download CSV file in your browser.

4. This file contains fields names as header and fields data into it as per node id or term id.

Level of knowledge should attendees have :

A intermediate developer who knows how to create a simple module in Drupal 8 with Controller.

Session will accomplish :

Attendees have a great idea about batch api and controller, routing, custom form creating in drupal 8.

Creation of CSV with help of PHP, UTF-8 encoding, Drupal 8 data export and many more thing which are new in Drupal 8.

Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version