Fun for Everyone: Form Management in Drupal 8


Forms are a major part of any CMS, and one of the first things I get asked about when teaching site building. How to make custom forms, store submissions, send emails, what modules to use, etc. For Drupal 8, form management is also one of the major blockers for people looking to upgrade their sites. Lots of site owners were (are) waiting for the Webform module to get upgraded, or to see where the dust settled with various other form management solutions.

The aim of this session is not to teach every detail of form building, but to go over various options that exist right now in the Drupal 8 landscape. I'll go over the capabalities of core's Contact module, new replacements for Webform (like Yaml form, which is being renamed to replace Webform,) and what may work best for specific use cases.

This session is aimed at anyone interested in form management in Drupal 8. It will be presented from the site builder perspective, with little or no code. Hopefully, everyone will take away a better understand of what advanced form solutions exist for Drupal 8, including the more powerful capabilities of core's Contact module.

Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version