How To Be A Drupal Superhero


Working with Drupal requires an incredibly broad skillset that can be daunting to many people. Some of us think of ourselves as primarily front-end developers, site builders, coders, or application architects yet my experience shows that the lines between these varying roles are becoming increasingly blurred and many of us wear multiple hats. How do we handle the demands to do it all?

While we are all human and have weaknesses, I have found a number of strategies to help cope with the broad demands of being a Drupal developer.

  • Recognize our strengths and weaknesses for an honest assessment
  • Be willing to get out of our comfort zone and learn new ways of working
  • Admit when we need help and reach out to teammates or the community

I'd like to share my stories and experiences utilizing these strategies in a career that has taken me from helping Starbucks determine where to locate their stores to founding an award-winning music magazine to a successful sales career to now managing a large multilingual Drupal 8 installation for a $500M publicly-traded company.

Attendees with both technical and non-technical roles with any level of knowledge can attend this session. My hope is that attendees would walk away with the following:

  • Tangible steps to capitalize on one's strengths and mitigate one's weaknesses
  • A renewed sense of empowerment and confidence
  • A clear understanding of how to be a Drupal superhero by knowing our limits and when to ask for help

Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version