How Fights Spam Using Distil Networks is the home of one of the largest open source communities in the world. As stewards of it is our responsibility to give the community a voice and welcome everyone who wants to participate in the project, but what does it take to keep from being a target for phishers and spammers? Spam is a nuisance to the existing community, devalues the project to newcomers is trying to welcome, and left unchecked could degrade the search presence.
In this case study presentation, Dominick Fuccillo of Distil Networks explores the unique challenges faced with spammers creating bogus accounts, the resources needed to manually remove spam content, and how fake accounts and spam were polluting the community engagement metrics. Dominick will dive into the implementation of Distil Networks and the ability to leverage device fingerprinting to block users who would otherwise generate hundreds of accounts by rotating through proxies.
This session will be of interest to anyone seeking to overcome spam or looking for more information on leveraging fingerprinting in the policing of malicious website traffic