How Following Your Passion Can Lead to a Career in Open Source - Coding Experience Not Required.


Who can imagine a more dreadful existence than just being useful? Robots are useful. Tools are useful. People are passionate. Life is not a dress rehearsal. We get one shot on this earth. Find your passion - and if it’s open source, the community has a place for you. It doesn’t matter what you are good at - put yourself out there and contribute.

Chris O'Donnell from Promet Source is living proof that following your passion is excellent advice. In this session, he will share how his passion for open source led to a fufilling career in sales while showing attendees: 

  • How one night learning HTML changed the trajectory of his career
  • How he found a career in open source without being a developer

  • Thinking differently about your experience and how you can pursue your passions in ways you might not have considered

  • Direct vs. indirect routes to a fulfilling career (and life)

  • Open source is way more than a software license, it’s a community. A community that needs people that can do more than write code.

  • You are not your career.


Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version