How to Use Website Strategy to Rise to New Heights


Two of America’s greatest architects opined on the concepts of form and functions. Louis Sullivan suggested “form ever follows function.” while Frank Lloyd Wright responded with “Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.”

Inquire with either of these masters and they would undoubtedly say you need to understand the purpose, function, and intended audience before you can focus on appearance.

Too often we have met with prospects with a clear vision of what they want their new website to look like, but can’t articulate its purpose, or even what organizational problems it is intended to solve.

Through years of experience working with clients developing websites to overcome organizational obstacles we have refined a process for gathering critical information. By determining what the website needs to do, we can design a blueprint to build a website with measurable success.

Takeaways for Attendees

  • Questions you must be able to answer BEFORE planning a website project.
  • Who to involve in answering these questions and when and how to involve them.
  • How to use the answers to maximize the project’s chance of success.

Session Track

UX/Content Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version