I am a Digital Project Manager (And So Can You!)

Matt Burge

Do your colleagues call you "Speedbump" because you get thrown under the bus a lot? Are you frantically scheduling meetings to deal with a phantom stakeholder's great new idea? Do you feel like you suffer from impostor syndrome? As we deal with more complex technology, new-ish management methods, and shifting design trends, we're still dealing with individuals that don't always understand what we do. It's easy to feel overwhelmed.

In this session, Digital Project Managers (DPMs) will learn about not crying over your sandwich as an angry client yells at you managing complex government web builds and what you can do to be loved (or at least tolerated) by all. Join two seasoned DPM's as we cover: 

  • The role of today's DPM
  • Overview of Scrum / Agile work management
  • Preparing your client for Drupal
  • Communicating value to stakeholders
  • Managing risks (or, why projects fail)
  • PM tools for Drupal projects
  • Finding a support network beyond your local bar

Participants will emerge from this session not feeling like their sole function is to act as meat shields or crap umbrellas. You'll walk away feeling confident about your ability to manage interpersonal relations and technical projects alike. And maybe one day, your Drupal projects too will end on time, on scope, and on budget.

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version