Large File Storage with Git


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to store project artifacts (PDSs, PDFs, DB dumps, etc.) all in one place, versioned and along side the project code in the project's git repo?

While this is absolutely possible it is cosidered a bad practice. Storing large binary files leads to repo size inflation, even if you replace or completely remove the assets from the repo down the road. That's the way git works - it stores deltas for every change and the histrory of all changes.

Luckily, there is now a solution.

Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server.

Git LFS is an open source project. It is supported by GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab and can be self-hosted as well.

In this session we will go over:

  • What Git LFS is and how it works
  • Use cases, benefits and how Git LFS can transform your team's approach to managing large assets
  • Geting started with Git LFS on your projects (demo included)
  • What it costs (hint: it can be self-host for free as well)

Basic git knowledge is recommended, but not required.


Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version