Local Drupal Development: Navigating local development waters with Docker

Local web development is a necessity when developing for clients but setting up a local development environment can be difficult for individuals and companies.   There is your server infrastructure, then the provisioning of the server, and finally continuous integration efforts.  It can seem like a large task.  But it doesn’t have to be.
Although there are many different technologies out there, all with their own merits, this discussion will be on Docker.  There are many reasons why many developers get on board with including continual integration, flexibility, and ease of use.  The use of containers makes creating an environment that is a copy of your development server easy and provisioning can be done in the same step.  Done making changes?  Just push your new image to the server.
The purpose of this session will be to showcase a local development workflow.  We will look at the creation of images, spinning up containers, working with features, and packaging our updates for deployment.  Individuals of the intermediate to beginner knowledge levels will be best suited for this session.


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