MDSK: Scaffolding great Drupal sites


Open source is the foundation for a lot of the stuff that we nowadays know (including Drupal). There are a lot of really cool open source projects and one of the greatest goodness of OSS is that you could create tools based on some of those great projects; that's how we, at Manati, brought to life MDSK (yes, you could guess what the M stands for): based on drupalvm, aquifer, gulp, composer, eslint, phplint and a lot of other amazing web development tools.

Manati Drupal Starter Kit allows you to scaffold a Drupal site and keep its code as cleanest as possible: no Drupal contrib code will live in your repo, your code is always going to be standards-compliant and you'll have a behat and wrecker configuration out of the box; so you can forget of setting the bored stuff and focus doing what you're great at: creating amazing Drupal sites. Although the M stands for Manatí, you could forget it for a while and start thinking on it like Marvelous.

In this session we'll have a walkthrough of the tool (which, as I said before, is open source and is already available for free for anybody); a discussion about the stuff that it does for you out of the box and we'll learn how to get the most from it for your kickass projects.

This will be a polished version of a session given in NYC Camp 2016 using a polished version of the tool. Session in NYC Camp:


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Experience Level


Drupal Version