Non-standard uses of Git: Better than Evernote and Google Docs


When learning Git I started keeping my text doc notes on Github to learn the process.  What I quickly noticed is there were a slew of advantages that this methodology gave me over other tools I had been using to keep track of my writings, such as Evernote and Google Docs.  This session is to share my experiences around a non-standard use of the tool and what I learned from the community as I explored the use case further.  There are a lot of correlations in similar tools and I hope this session would inspire conversation over other 'odd but productive' uses of our common tools.  

Topics will cover: 
Git basic workflow
Basic blog/content creation best practices
Community feedback for 'weird' usage of tools
Thinking about all tools for larger advantage than 'described on the box'

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version