Our Experiments with Life! - A Story of 40+ Drupalers


This is about my journey within Srijan in creating an organisation which has a human character to its core. 2.5 years back I decided to move out of big metro - Delhi, India to a small village in Goa for better quality of life, to employ more locals to reduce people migration and to experiment with our own lives. This gave birth to a new office of Srijan Technologies - A Drupal company here in Goa. 

We started with 2 people and now we are 43 people as I write this! We have grown big, and always strived to keep the great culture intact and make it core of everyone who work here. From growing organic veggies to cooking in our office, washing our utensils, composting of our waste, reducing plastics/waste, attending cultural events, nature/adventure trips, debate/dialogue over various topics like climate change, Healthy food choices, economics of happiness, culture, social issues etc.

Personally, I spend 4-5 hours in a day to around 20 days in a month in this office. Rest of my time goes in Un-schooling my daugthers, growing my food, Natural Birthing, Exploring/Evangelising about healthy foods and planning for more such experiments...

BTW, I forgot to write, we all CODE too!, that too in DRUPAL. We do hackathons, Dev couch, Code/Arch audits to keep all of us on edge! We are working with some great products/clients in Travel, Legal, Smart packaging, Media etc!

If you all are interested in hearing this journey of our 43 drupalers - Please join me!

There is no pre-requisite to this session. I expect it must be curious for all people to know that we can work in a sustainable way by making a more positive impact to our people and the ones around us. This story of us should inspire more such people to experiement with their lives!

Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version