The Role of a Drupal Salesperson


Not everyone needs Drupal, but the ones who do really need it. And so, a Drupal salesperson cannot assume the traditional sales push against every lead. The tactic for this type of business development is more of a consultant. The salesperson becomes a hand-holder who quietly identifies pain points as they walk with their lead toward a solution based in Drupal.

Our business has been liberated by the choice to turn down projects that aren't a fit for us. We’ve found our niche and we stick to it. We are Drupal experts, if a lead is not a good candidate for Drupal, we refer them somewhere else. This ability to evaluate - and turn down a lead - has instilled confidence in our team and made Elevated Third more profitable.

In Drupal sales, there is a sweet spot between introverted and extraverted. A stellar Drupal salesperson will level out somewhere between ‘smile and dial’ and ‘shy’ in order to grow a lead from potential client into potential partner. The differential between client and partner here is longevity. A client will stick around for the length of a project, but a partner will guarantee future profits through return business, reviews, and referrals.


Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version