Slow down - Stress, burnout, and refactoring my work-life balance


In many ways, our field is like no other. It is possible to build a great product, to change someone's life, or even to significantly change you and your family's financial standing by spending nothing but your own time. In this open-source world the barrier to entry is low, but it also lends itself to being expensive in other ways.

At my first Drupal job I worked roughly 18 hour days for almost two months, which happened to be the months leading up to my wedding. It did not end well, but the knowledge I gained helped my career. I began teaching Drupal development and, shortly after, landed a job at Acquia as a Senior Developer. This also was a boost for my career, but the combination has been extremely time consuming. Two kids, 5 semesters, and three years later I was completely burned out, and it was impacting every aspect of my life.

My responsibilities came to include:

  • My full time job at Acquia
  • Teaching newcomers to Drupal at Debug Academy
  • Being an employer
  • Finding jobs for graduates of my classes
  • Learning Drupal 8
  • Lingering freelance development projects
  • Acting as the point of contact for all websites I've built in the past
  • Being a father of 2 kids
  • Being a husband
  • At-home projects.. and more

It became impossible to address everything I was tasked with. Improving my situation required acknowledging not only my own limits, but also what those around me needed from me. I have also come to know many individuals from different backgrounds and learn of their similar struggles.

I would like to share steps that I've taken to reduce burnout, including:

  • Taking unpaid leave from work (both jobs)
  • Re-structuring my development projects
  • Accepting help in areas that I prefer to handle myself
  • Setting strict rules for family time
  • Changing my priorities
  • And more

It is still, and always will be, a work in progress. I hope to share what has and has not worked, and what my advice for people who find themselves similarly overwhelmed. 

Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version