The Terrors of Task Management Tools: A Workshop

Thinking of moving to a new project management tool? The road can be harrowing and full of hidden perils, but don’t turn back now! As a Project Manager, you are expected to manage and execute countless tasks in the most efficient and painless manner possible, but the myriad of task management tools available is daunting to consider. The session will include a casestudy about Zivtech's journey evaluating and selecting task management tools and frame a participant-driven workshop to help you overcome the twists and turns involved in such a harrowing process.

This session will review the path Zivtech followed: evaluating software options, learning team pain points, and understanding which business needs can be handled by these systems. You will see mistakes and successes while moving from Unfuddle to LiquidPlanner and finally ending up with Jira & Tempo (a journey which took 2 whole years!)

The session will then shift to a discussion based workshop where particpants can swap stories from the trenches about issues related to this process. Some of the topics we can expect to cover are:

  • Choosing the right system for your team and project needs

  • Weighing business needs against developer usability

  • Managing this change internally

  • Evading common pitfalls of transitioning

  • Vanquishing the naysayers

  • Becoming a champion for positive change

This session is geared toward Project Managers of all experience levels.

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version